Getting a yearly Foot Check

If you’re living with diabetes you have an increased risk of developing foot problems because of damage to the nerve (feeling or sensation) and blood vessels in your feet. The good news is that in most cases you can avoid these problems by checking your feet daily and having a foot check at least every year by your GP practice.

A diabetes foot check is usually undertaken at your GP practice by your healthcare team and is part of your annual diabetes cycle of care. Your healthcare team will check your feet, discuss your results and help you understand your risk of developing a foot problem.

Every person with diabetes should have their feet checked every year by their GP practice even if they see a podiatrist regularly or a specialist high-risk foot clinic.

What to expect at your foot check

Firstly, you’ll take off your shoes, socks or stockings. Then your healthcare professional will:

  • Check your whole foot. They will be looking for ulcers, hard skin, changes in foot shape, dry skin or cracks.
  • Test for the sensation and blood flow to your feet. They will be looking for any changes, so tell them if you’ve noticed pins and needles, numbness, pain or have any other unusal feelings in your feet.
  • Assess your footwear. Footwear that doesn’t fit well can cause wounds to your feet, so it is important to make sure your shoes fit properly, are protecting your feet and not causing any problems.


You’ll also have a talk about your feet and how you’re managing your diabetes day-to-day. Some questions you might get asked include:

  1. Have you had an ulcer or amputation due to your diabetes?
  2. Are you taking medications? Are you on dialysis for chronic kidney disease?
  3. Have you had any operations to your legs or feet to improve the blood flow?
  4. Do you get any discomfort in your feet or legs either during the day or night?
  5. Do your feet feel very cold and are hard to warm up?
  6. Do you experience unusual sensations in your feet and legs? Pins and Needles, numbness, or shooting pains?
  7. Do you or does someone else check your feet every day?
  8. How has your Diabetes been recently?

More resources to support your journey to healthy feet

Are you putting your best foot forward? Check your risk level today.

Foot health check takes approx 2 mins